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Honours Caps for

Sporting & Academic Achievements


Mark that special Sporting Achievement or Academic Achievement

with an Honours Cap.

Honours Caps are presented to Individuals in recognition of their achievement

and it will be a highly valued and treasured item for years to come.

Choose from various styles of Honour Caps:
6 Panel cap draft
6 Panel cap draft

6 Panel Cap with Alternate Colour Panels

5 panel cap draft
5 panel cap draft

Standard 5 Panel Plain Cap

5 Panel Multi colour cap draft
5 Panel Multi colour cap draft

Standard 5 Panel Multi Coloured Cap

6 Panel Multi Colour cap draft
6 Panel Multi Colour cap draft

6 Panel Multi Coloured Cap Silver Trims

2 Colour cap draft
2 Colour cap draft

Standard 5 Panel Two Coloured Cap Silver Trims

2 Colour 5 panel cap draft
2 Colour 5 panel cap draft

Standard 5 Panel Two Coloured Cap Gold Trims

Tel: 07836 530989

Cap Material - 120/125 gsm Velvet

Trims - Metallic Wire Tassels and Braid

Designs - Hand Embroidered with Metallic Wire thread

- Machine Embroidered with Polyester/Silk thread

Bespoke Honours Caps
Bespoke Honours Caps
Honours cap with Silk Trims
Honours cap with Silk Trims

Honours Caps are supplied as a Display item and therefore no individual sizing is offered

An Alternative to an Honours Cap could be a Commemorative Coin.

Please go to our Custom Made Medals, Commemorative Coins & Lapel Pin Badges website

by clicking the link below:

Scottish Sepak Honours Cap
Scottish Sepak Honours Cap

Deliveries from approval of artwork:

Standard Delivery

Hand Embroidered Caps - from 4 to 5 weeks

Machine Embroidered Caps - from 3 to 4 weeks

Rushed Orders:

Hand Embroidered Caps - from 14 to 16 days

Machine Embroidered Caps - from 9 to 10 days

Scottish Sepak Honours Cap Side elevation
Scottish Sepak Honours Cap Side elevation
Honours Caps Colours Available
Honours Caps Colours Available

Available Colours:

Lisnagarvey Hockey Club Honours Caps for Internationals
Lisnagarvey Hockey Club Honours Caps for Internationals
Doha Qatar Rugby Federation Honours Cap
Doha Qatar Rugby Federation Honours Cap
Randalstown Rugby 150 caps Honours Cap
Randalstown Rugby 150 caps Honours Cap